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Director of International Department of Distance Education School in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Rong Bangchun visited WAU
Datetime: 2018-04-12   Source: 皖西学院英文网站

On April 9, Rong Bangchun, director of International Department of Distance Education in HUST Huazhong University of Science and Technology visited our university, talking about his work experience of foreign study and language training. Director of the Center for International Exchange and Cooperation, Cheng Zhiyong, Deputy Director, Li Naigang, Secretary of Foreign Language School, Wu Shiwei, Vice Dean Zeng Bihao, and Vice Dean of Economic and Management School, Xu Shaoshuang attended the meeting.

Rong Bangchun made an introduction of three major foreign study and language training projects in HUST——English project, Spanish project and ACCA (The Association of International Accountant) training project.

During the meeting, Li Naigang said local universities must seize opportunities and broaden their horizons, thus breaking the limitations of international cooperations. Wu Shiwei and Zeng Bihao gave an explanation of the talent training plan in Foreign Language School. Director Rong Bangchun and Xu Shaoshuang exchanged their ideas of conducting the ACCA program to each other.

The Center for International Exchange and Cooperation, Foreign Language School and Economic and Management School all expressed their desire to strive for more high-quality study opportunities and hopes of establishing friendly cooperation with HUST in the end.

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